brand repository

Brand Repository

Brand Repository

A brand repository, often referred to as a brand asset management system or brand library, is a centralised location where an organisation stores and manages all of its brand-related assets. These assets can include logos, brand guidelines, marketing collateral, images, videos, fonts, and other elements that contribute to the consistency and integrity of the brand.

Here are some key components and features commonly found in a brand repository:

  • Brand Guidelines:

      • Detailed documentation outlining the brand’s visual identity, voice, and messaging guidelines.
      • Instructions on logo usage, colour schemes, typography, and other design elements.
  • Logo Files:

      • High-resolution versions of the company’s logos in different formats (PNG, JPEG, SVG, etc.).
  • Marketing Collateral:

      • Templates for presentations, brochures, flyers, and other promotional materials.
      • Approved designs for print and digital advertising.
  • Images and Graphics:

      • High-quality images, graphics, and illustrations that adhere to the brand’s style.
  • Video Assets:

      • Branded videos, commercials, and other multimedia content.
  • Font Files:

      • Typeface files used in the brand’s design.
  • Templates:
      • Standardised templates for documents, email signatures, social media posts, etc.
  • Brand History and Messaging:

      • Historical information about the brand and key messaging points.
  • Access Controls:

      • Permissions and access controls to ensure that only authorised individuals can modify or download certain assets.
  • Search and Organization:

      • Efficient search functionalities and organised categorization of assets for easy retrieval.
  • Version Control:

      • Tracking and managing different versions of assets to maintain consistency.
  • Collaboration Tools:

      • Features that facilitate collaboration among team members working on branding and marketing projects.
  • Usage Analytics:

    • Tracking the usage and performance of different assets to inform future branding decisions.

Having a well-organised brand repository is essential for ensuring brand consistency across all communication channels and materials. It helps teams maintain a unified and professional image, especially in larger organisations with multiple departments and teams working on various projects.

elements of brand strategy

Elements of Brand Strategy

Elements of Brand Strategy

Brand procedure is an exhaustive arrangement that frames the drawn out objectives, values, and character of a brand. It includes different components that add to forming how a brand is seen by its interest group. 

“Crafting Tomorrow, Strategizing Today: The Essence of Brand Strategy.”

Here are key elements of a brand strategy:

Brand Purpose:

Define the reason for the brand’s existence beyond just making a profit.

Clarify the positive impact or change the brand aims to bring to its customers or society.

Brand Mission:

Clearly articulate the brand’s overall mission and what it aims to achieve.

Align the mission with the brand’s values and purpose.

  • “Navigating Success: The ABCs of Brand Strategy.”

Brand Positioning:

Determine the unique value proposition that sets the brand apart from competitors. Identify the target market and tailor the brand’s positioning to appeal to that specific audience.

“Elements Unveiled, Strategy Revealed: Building Brands for the Future.”

Brand Values:

Define the core values that guide the brand’s behaviour and decision-making. Ensure that these values resonate with the target audience and are consistently communicated.

    “Where Ideas Converge, Strategies Emerge: Crafting Your Brand’s            Destiny.”

Brand Personality:

Assign human characteristics and traits to the brand to make it more relatable. Consider how the brand would “behave” if it were a person, and align this personality with the target audience.

Brand Identity:

Make a visual personality that incorporates a vital logo, variety range, typography, and other plan components.

Ensure consistency in visual elements across all brand communications.

“Connecting Dots, Creating Impact: Mastering the Elements of Brand Strategy.”

Brand Voice:

Develop a distinct tone and style for the brand’s communication.

Tailor the brand’s voice to match the values, personality, and preferences of the target audience.

“Blueprints of Brilliance: Elements that Shape a Powerful Brand Strategy.”

Brand Story:

Make a convincing story that imparts the brand’s set of experiences, values, and mission.

Use narrating to make a profound association with the crowd.

Target Audience:

Clearly define and understand the demographics, psychographics, and behaviours of the target audience.

Tailor all brand messages and strategies to resonate with this specific group.

“Beyond Logos, Beyond Slogans: The Strategic Alchemy of Branding.”

Competitive Analysis:

Assess the strengths and weaknesses of competitors.

Identify opportunities to differentiate the brand and capitalise on areas where competitors may be lacking.

“Strategic Symphony, Brand Harmony: The Elements that Resonate.”

Brand Experience:

Ensure that every interaction with the brand, whether online or offline, provides a consistent and positive experience.

Consider the customer journey and touchpoints to enhance brand perception.

“The Art and Science of Brand Strategy: Weaving Success Through Key Elements.”

Brand Extensions:

Explore opportunities for brand extensions or diversification.

Evaluate how the brand can expand into related products or services while maintaining coherence with its core identity.

Brand Metrics and Measurement:

Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the success of the brand strategy.

Regularly evaluate and adjust the strategy based on performance metrics and market changes.

Brand Guidelines:

Develop a comprehensive set of brand guidelines to ensure consistency in all brand communications.

Include guidelines for logo usage, colour schemes, typography, and messaging.

“From Vision to Victory: Unleashing the Power of Strategic Branding.”

Adaptability and Evolution:

Perceive that the brand system might have to develop over the long haul to remain significant. Remain dexterous and adjust to changes on the lookout, industry, or buyer inclinations.

A distinct brand system adjusts the brand to its main interest group, separates it from contenders, and lays out serious areas of strength for a long haul achievement.

Brand Exposure

Brand Exposure

Brand Exposure

“Unveil Your Potential: Elevate Your Brand, Amplify Your Presence.”

Brand openness alludes to the perceivability and consciousness of a brand among its main interest group and the overall population. It includes spreading the word about the brand for likely clients, expanding its presence on the lookout, and making a positive discernment.

There are several strategies and channels for achieving brand exposure:

Publicising: Use different promoting stations like computerised promotions, print media, TV, radio, and outside publicising to contact an expansive crowd.

  1. “Illuminate Your Brand: Where Exposure meets Excellence.”
  2. “Beyond Boundaries, Beyond Brands: Exposure Redefined.”

Virtual Entertainment:

 Influence famous web-based entertainment stages to associate with and draw in your main interest group.

Regularly posting content, interacting with followers, and running targeted ads can enhance brand visibility.

  1. “Shine Brighter, Be Seen: Your Brand, Your Exposure.”
  2. “Redefining Visibility: Your Brand, Our Spotlight.”

Content Promoting: 

Make a significant and pertinent substance that lines up with your image values. This can incorporate blog entries, articles, recordings, and infographics. Content promoting gives data as well as lays out your image as an expert in your industry.

Public Relations: 

Engage in public relations activities to get media coverage and press mentions.

This can incorporate public statements, meetings, and joint efforts with powerhouses or different brands.

  1. “Unlocking Potential, Unleashing Power: Brand Exposure Revolutionized.”
  2. “From Hidden Gem to Center Stage: Your Brand, Our Exposure.”

Occasions and Sponsorships: 

Take part in or support occasions pertinent to your industry. This could be conferences, trade shows, or community events.

This increments openness as well as takes into consideration direct communication with expected clients.

  1. “Exposure that Echoes: Elevate Your Brand Resonance.”
  2. “Beyond Impressions, Creating Impact: Your Brand in the Limelight.”

Site improvement (Website optimization): 

Streamline your web-based presence to guarantee that your image shows up in web crawler results when individuals are searching for pertinent items or administrations.

Associations and Joint efforts: 

Cooperating with different brands or powerhouses can broaden your range and acquaint your image with new crowds.


Urge fulfilled clients to share their encounters and prescribe your image to other people.

Positive word of mouth can be a powerful driver of brand exposure.

Branded Content: 

Create branded content that reflects your brand’s personality and values. This can include branded videos, podcasts, or other forms of multimedia that resonate with your target audience.

  1. “Where Visibility Meets Victory: Mastering the Art of Brand Exposure.”
  2. “Radiate Brilliance: Your Brand, Our Exposure Magic.”

Consistent Branding:

Ensure that your brand’s visual identity, messaging, and tone are consistent across all channels. Consistency helps in building a recognizable and memorable brand.

Remember that effective brand exposure is not just about reaching a large audience but also about making a meaningful impact and building a positive association with your brand. Regularly assessing and adjusting your strategies based on market trends and consumer behaviour is crucial for ongoing success.

design as language of brand

Design as Language of Brand

Design as Language of Brand

Design is a powerful language that communicates the essence and values of a brand. It goes beyond visual aesthetics, encompassing the overall user experience and the emotional connection between the brand and its audience.

“Crafting Dreams, Shaping Identities: Elevate Your Brand with Distinctive Design.”

Here are key elements to consider when using design as the language of a brand:

Brand Identity:

Logo Design: Create a unique and memorable logo that reflects the brand’s personality and values.

Colour Palette: Choose colours that evoke the right emotions and align with the brand’s identity.

Typography: Select fonts that complement the brand’s style and are easily readable across various platforms.


Ensure consistency across all design elements, from digital to print materials. Use a consistent tone, style, and visual elements to reinforce brand recognition.

User Experience (UX):

Design a seamless and intuitive user experience for websites, apps, and physical spaces.

Prioritise user needs, making interactions easy and enjoyable.

Storytelling through Visuals:

Use imagery that tells a story and connects emotionally with the audience. Visuals should align with the brand narrative and values.


Design assets that are adaptable to various platforms and devices.

Ensure that the brand’s visual language remains effective in different contexts.


Stay current with design trends while maintaining a timeless quality.

Innovate within the brand’s established design language to keep it fresh and relevant.

Cohesive Branding:

Extend the design language beyond visuals to include messaging and overall brand experience. Create a cohesive brand personality that resonates with the target audience.

Cultural Sensitivity:

Consider cultural nuances in design to ensure that visuals are inclusive and don’t unintentionally alienate any audience.


Foster collaboration between designers, marketers, and other stakeholders to ensure a unified brand language.

Feedback Loop:

Establish a feedback loop for continuous improvement in design based on user feedback and market trends.


Consider sustainable design practices that align with the brand’s values and contribute positively to the environment.

Emotional Connection:

Plan fully intent on making a profound association between the brand and its crowd.

By coordinating these components, a brand can involve a plan as a language to convey its character, fabricate associations with its crowd, and hang out in a jam-packed market. The key is to be purposeful, reliable, and consistent with the brand’s guiding principle all through all plan articulations.

brand ambassador

Brand Ambassader

Brand Ambassador

A brand minister is an individual or at times a gathering of people who are employed or picked by an organisation to decidedly address and advance its image. Brand diplomats are frequently connected with a specific way of life, character, or industry that lines up with the qualities and picture of the brand. Their job is to typify the brand, make mindfulness, and draw in with the interest group such that it encourages a positive and credible association. Here are key parts of being a brand diplomat:

Portrayal: Brand diplomats act as the essence of the brand. They epitomise its qualities, character, and informing. Their own image ought to line up with the picture the organisation needs to depict.

Validness: Fruitful brand diplomats are legitimate and veritable in their advancement of the brand. Crowds are bound to associate with envoys who truly trust in and utilise the items or administrations they advance.

Advancement and Mindfulness: Brand envoys effectively advance the brand through different channels like web-based entertainment, occasions, and other advertising drives. They assist with expanding brand mindfulness and drive positive thoughtfulness regarding the items or administrations.

Relationship Building: Brand ministers frequently draw in with their crowd, responding to questions, sharing encounters, and building a local area around the brand. This makes a more unique interaction between the brand and its clients.

Content Creation: Envoys might make content, including web-based entertainment posts, blog articles, recordings, or different materials that exhibit the brand in a positive light. This content is frequently imparted to their adherents to grow the brand’s scope.

Occasions and Sponsorships: Brand envoys may address the organisation at occasions, career expos, or sponsorships. Their presence makes an unmistakable association between the brand and its ideal interest group.

Criticism and Understanding: Ministers can give important input and experiences in light of their connections with the crowd. This data can be valuable for the brand in refining its advertising methodologies and item contributions.

Long haul Connections: Some brand envoy connections are present moment, while others are long haul associations. Building a drawn out relationship with a brand envoy can add to supported brand unwaveringly and positive affiliations.

Estimating Effect: Brands frequently track key execution pointers (KPIs) to gauge the effect of their image diplomat programs. This might incorporate measurements like reach, commitment, and transformation rates.

Brand envoy programs are ordinarily utilised in different businesses, including style, magnificence, innovation, and sports. The objective is to use the diplomat’s impact to upgrade the brand’s standing and interface with a more extensive crowd in a valid and engaging manner.

brand funnel

Brand Funnel

Brand Funnel

A “brand funnel” is a marketing concept that outlines the stages a consumer goes through in building awareness, consideration, preference, and loyalty towards a brand. It’s a framework that helps marketers understand and track the consumer’s journey as they interact with a brand. Here are the typical stages of a brand funnel:


Objective: Introduce the brand to the target audience and create initial awareness.

Activities: Advertising, content marketing, social media campaigns, public relations, and other initiatives to make the brand known.


Objective: Capture the audience’s interest and encourage them to learn more about the brand.

Activities: Engaging content, storytelling, product demonstrations, and providing additional information about the brand’s values and offerings.


Objective: Convince the audience to consider the brand as a viable option.

Activities: Comparison tools, customer testimonials, in-depth product information, and addressing potential concerns or objections.


Objective: Position the brand as the preferred choice among competitors.

Activities: Emphasising unique selling propositions, building a positive brand image, and offering exclusive incentives.


Objective: Convert consideration into actual transactions or interactions with the brand.

Activities: Sales promotions, discounts, a seamless purchasing process, and creating a sense of urgency.

Post-Purchase Experience:

Objective: Ensure customer satisfaction and encourage loyalty.

Activities: Customer support, follow-up communication, collecting feedback, and providing additional value through loyalty programs or exclusive content.


Objective: Turn satisfied customers into brand advocates who actively promote the brand to others.

Activities: Referral programs, user-generated content campaigns, and encouraging customers to share positive experiences on social media.


Objective: Maintain and strengthen the relationship with existing customers to encourage repeat business.

Activities: Ongoing communication, personalised offers, and continuous efforts to exceed customer expectations.


Objective: Foster long-term loyalty and turn customers into brand ambassadors.

Activities: Exclusive access, special events, loyalty programs, and continued efforts to provide exceptional value and service.

By understanding and optimising each stage of the brand funnel, marketers can develop targeted strategies to move consumers from awareness to loyalty, ultimately building a strong and sustainable brand presence in the market. The brand funnel concept is dynamic, and marketers continually analyse data and consumer behaviour to refine their strategies at each stage.

brand directory

Brand Directory

Brand Directories

Brand registries are organised records or data sets that give data about different brands inside a particular industry or specialty. These registries can be important assets for shoppers, organisations, and experts searching for data about items, administrations, and organisations.

Here are a few types of brand directories:

Industry-Specific Directories:

These focus on a particular industry or niche, providing information about brands operating within that specific sector. For example, a tech directory might list various technology companies, their products, and services.


Local Business Directories:

These directories focus on businesses within a specific geographic location. They often include contact details, business hours, and customer reviews. Examples include Yelp, Yellow Pages, and Google My Business.

Online Retailer Directories:

For e-commerce, there are directories that list various online retailers and marketplaces. This can help consumers discover new online stores or find specific products.

Fashion Brand Directories:

Fashion directories focus specifically on clothing, accessories, and lifestyle brands. They may include information about the latest trends, designers, and where to purchase specific items.

Trade Directories:

These are directories that cater to businesses and professionals within a specific industry. They often include details about suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and other relevant contacts.

Technology and Software Directories:

For the tech industry, there are directories that list software companies, tech startups, and various products and services related to information technology.

Travel and Hospitality Directories:

These directories focus on hotels, restaurants, airlines, and other businesses within the travel and hospitality industry.

Consumer Product Directories:

These directories cover a broad range of consumer products, providing information about brands and their offerings in various categories.

B2B Directories:

Business-to-professional references list organisations that take special care of different organisations. They could incorporate producers, wholesalers, and specialist co-ops.

Franchise Directories:

Franchise directories list various franchise opportunities, making it easier for entrepreneurs to explore business options within established brands.

While utilising brand indexes, it’s fundamental to consider the precision and money of the data given, as well as the particular concentration and motivation of the registry. Numerous indexes are accessible both on the web and disconnected, and they can be significant instruments for exploration, promoting, and business advancement.

  Business Brand

The brand is the soul of the manifesto, that you stand for. The brand provides identity to your business. It is how your customers’ experience and recognize your business. Apparent assets of the brand are, Name, Logo, Tagline, Slogan, and Mascot, and a Total are almost thirteen assets.  All are physical assets of any Brand. All these are like a seed for the marketing of that Brand. The type of seed we embed in the same kind of plant comes out so, we can say that the physical asset of any brand is like the genes of that brand.

The brand is the soul of the manifesto, that you stand for. The brand provides identity to your business. It is how your customers’ experience and recognize your business. Apparent assets of the brand are, Name, Logo, Tagline, Slogan, and Mascot, and a Total are almost thirteen assets.  All are physical assets of any Brand. All these are like a seed for the marketing of that Brand. The type of seed we embed in the same kind of plant comes out so, we can say that the physical asset of any brand is like the genes of that brand.

Growth Qualities exist in the physical assets of any Brand. So as many good physical assets, a Brand has as much potential as a brand has to grow. Identities of Brands are of two types. The first one is the type of physical assets of brands second one is the impact creation on customer perception about that brand. One side of the identity of the brand is a material base while the second one is on a perception base. A business brand is also known as corporate branding, the act of promotion of brand identity through communication efforts in different markets. The scope of corporate brands is very vast. Branding is actually all about practical corporation and digital marketing. Three types of brands existed, A corporation or Company brand, A product brand, and A personal brand.

Multiple advantages of business brands are mentioned here below.

1- You need a distinctive identity of your brand in the market. You should be a distinguishing business owner for your competitors.

2- Distinguishing identity makes you prominent in the market. You can achieve more business growth than your competitors.

3- Customer loyalty building is also important. Loyal customers have an emotional link with successful brands.

4- Gain and Retaining employees affect successful branding.

Brand your business through some practical steps:

1- Present our brand personality.

2- Determine core values and mission.

3- Create your brand promise or brand value propositions.

4- Identify your Audience and your potential customers.

5- Geographical assimilation should be appropriate.

Robo Sonic Brand Assets

Robo-Sonic Brand Assets

   The universe is based on these elements,

                                           (Air, Water, Fire, Soil)

These four elements are signs of multiple energies, the phenomenal merge with multiple dynamite energies come into being in the living world through technological products. So the top development of the crown of creation is the development of Technology.


                     Robo-Sonic is a Brand Name. Latest Technology Products Like Robots are facing Problems in the market of sales, there was a need to create the trust of consumers and Create better emotional appeal with technology Products. So the need was assessed to Launch a First Technology Brand in the World. That is ROBO-SONIC. Brand Assets present the identity of the Brand interface. The owner and Founder of this Brand are Maimoona Iram From Pakistan. Assets of this Brand are here below,

1- Brand Name:

The First asset of any brand is obviously the name of the brand.

               : ROBO-SONIC Technology Brand:

                 .Sign of Revolutionary Era.

Functional & Practical Meaning of Robo-Sonic: 

  •  Machines formed with multiple technology collaborations like Artificial Intelligence, Mechanics, Automation, and Programming, are called the Robo-Sonic in-market of sales.
  • Dictionary Meaning of Sonic:

                              Denoting, Related to, r of the nature of sound or sound waves.

  • Comprehensive Meaning:

                            Utilizing, produced by, or relating to sound waves sonic altimeter broadly: of or involving sound sonic pollution.2: having a frequency within the audible range of the human ear used for waves and vibrations.

  • Literature Meaning:

                            Thus, art research as sonic fiction is a generative fiction, rather than a referential fiction it is designed from the actions of its materiality, not as a description of reference of an object as a source, but as the visible shape of the process itself.

  • Sonic in Grammar:  

                              Sonic is an ADJECTIVE.

  • Sonic Animal:

                        Hedgehog. The speedy blue Hero SONIC takes his inspiration from the humble hedgehog. And this Animal is the Mascot of the ROBO-SONIC BRAND.

2- Mascot of Robo-Sonic.

Hedgehog. The speedy blue Hero SONIC takes his inspiration from the humble hedgehog. And this Animal is the Mascot of the ROBO-SONIC BRAND.

  • There are seventeen different species of hedgehog around the world-but for as we know, and none of them can run as fast as sonic. Sonic pals are echidna, and the tail is a fox.
  • Now the next step for this Brand was Better Collaboration with the Companies that are Manufacturers of the Latest Technology Products Like Robots. For better collaboration with the world of technology manufacturers, we are organizing the Distinctive & unique project exhibition. And this is Scheduled Plate Form For Engineering Students, and for other communities involved in indirect or direct research in technological innovations.
  • Robo-Sonic as Energy Character:

Second Mascot of Robo-Sonic Brand:

        The second mascot of this brand is Tortle. Now the reason why Tortle is the second mascot of Robo-Sonic Brand is that Tortle cognitively depicts three types of energies, Tortle can survive in Water, Soil, and Air, So these three elements are depictive energies through the symbol of mascot Tortle. Developments and Growth in Technologies are slowly and steadily happening, while slowly and steadily winning the race is the life mark of Tortle, So the matchings of Tortle with Technology brand happen in these directions as I share.

2- Logo


3- Story:

Sound of time with the collaboration of the modern Era Provokes the need for Technology brands. So there are multiple factors that become the reason for the emergence of this Brand. Affiliate marketing platforms are also a very important part of this brand.

4- Message:

 Knowledge is the super most power for the crown of creation.

5- Colour Scheme:

6- Jingle or Font:

Italic Bold,

                         : ROBO-SONIC Technology Brand:

                               .Sign of Revolutionary Era.


                    The universe is based on these elements,

                                           (Air, Water, Fire, Soil)

These three elements are signs of multiple energies, the phenomenal merge with multiple dynamite energies come into being in the living world through technological products. So the top development of the crown of creation is the development of Technology.


                     Robo-Sonic is a Brand Name. Latest Technology Products Like Robots are facing Problems in the market of sales, there was a need to create the trust of consumers and Create better emotional appeal with technology Products. So the need was assessed to Launch a First Technology Brand in the World. That is ROBO-SONIC. Brand Assets present the identity of the Brand interface. The owner and Founder of this Brand are Maimoona Iram From Pakistan. Assets of this Brand are here below,

1- Brand Name:

The First asset of any brand is obviously the name of the brand.

               : ROBO-SONIC Technology Brand:

                 .Sign of Revolutionary Era.

Functional & Practical Meaning of Robo-Sonic: 

  •  Machines formed with multiple technology collaborations like Artificial Intelligence, Mechanics, Automation, and Programming, are called the Robo-Sonic in-market of sales.
  • Dictionary Meaning of Sonic:

                              Denoting, Related to, r of the nature of sound or sound waves.

  • Comprehensive Meaning:

                            Utilizing, produced by, or relating to sound waves sonic altimeter broadly: of or involving sound sonic pollution.2: having a frequency within the audible range of the human ear used for waves and vibrations.

  • Literature Meaning:

                            Thus, art research as sonic fiction is a generative fiction, rather than a referential fiction it is designed from the actions of its materiality, not as a description of reference of an object as a source, but as the visible shape of the process itself.

  • Sonic in Grammar:  

                              Sonic is an ADJECTIVE.

  • Sonic Animal:

                        Hedgehog. The speedy blue Hero SONIC takes his inspiration from the humble hedgehog. And this Animal is the Mascot of the ROBO-SONIC BRAND.

2- Mascot of Robo-Sonic.

Hedgehog. The speedy blue Hero SONIC takes his inspiration from the humble hedgehog. And this Animal is the Mascot of the ROBO-SONIC BRAND.

  •                                        There are seventeen different species of hedgehog around the world-but for as we know, and none of them can run as fast as sonic. Sonic pals are echidna, and the tail is a fox.
  • Now the next step for this Brand was Better Collaboration with the Companies that are Manufacturers of the Latest Technology Products Like Robots. For better collaboration with the world of technology manufacturers, we are organizing the Distinctive & unique project exhibition. And this is Scheduled Plate Form For Engineering Students, and for other communities involved in indirect or direct research in technological innovations.

Robo-Sonic as Energy Character:


 Second Mascot of Robo-Sonic Brand:

        The second mascot of this brand is Tortle. Now the reason why Tortle is the second mascot of Robo-Sonic Brand is that Tortle cognitively depicts three types of energies, Tortle can survive in Water, Soil, and Air, So these three elements are depictive energies through the symbol of mascot Tortle. Developments and Growth in Technologies are slowly and steadily happening, while slowly and steadily winning the race is the life mark of Tortle, So the matchings of Tortle with Technology brand happen in these directions as I share.

 2- Logo: 

3- Story:

Sound of time with the collaboration of the modern Era Provokes the need for Technology brands. So there are multiple factors that become the reason for the emergence of this Brand. Affiliate marketing platforms are also a very important part of this brand.

4- Message:

 Knowledge is the super most power for the crown of creation.

5- Colour Scheme:

6- Jingle or Font:

Italic Bold,

                         : ROBO-SONIC Technology Brand:

                               .Sign of Revolutionary Era.

7- Blurb:

8- Tagline:

                               : ROBO-SONIC Technology Brand:

                                         Time Creates Needs.

9- Slogan:

  Cognitive solutions lie in research & explorations.

Importance of Brand Asset Management:(B.A.M)

Brand Asset management is very important for all businesses because a brand provides identity to the product and the brand increases sales so proper brand asset management is the central part of any business. Brand Asset management is very important for a successful business.