Project Streams

Duckstairs Enterprises is an Event Managemen/Project & Recreational
Organisation, is going to Launch Robo-Sonic Tech-Expo, Robo-Sonic
Tech Brand is channelizer of this Expo,

Scheduled Engineering Plate form
Vanue: Istanbul/Turkey.
Scheduled Onward for Every Year
From 2023.

Global Universities and Research Institutes Tech Projects are called
upon through a digital marketing Compagin. Submitted Projects will be
forwarded to the, selection Committee , Selection Committee will guide
to the Project Creator, about correct directions about the Project,
Settings of Projects up to the Expo Level. If Creator will be successfully
follow the steps, Creator will be able to participate in Expo.

Incentives for Participants:

1- Global Exposure+Project Promotion.
2- Channelization of Project to the Exact Companies.
3- Prize Wining Opportunities:

1- First Prize: 2500$, 2- Second Prize: 1500$, 3- 1000$.

4- Project Owner Certificate.
5- Expo Participation Certificate.

Project Streams For Expo

Most Recommended Projects Should Circle Round this Caliber.
1- Artificial Intelligence.
2- Industrial Automation.
3- Blockchain.
4- Metaverse.
5- Programming.
6- Advance Controls.
7- Scada System.
8- Mechanics.
9- System Design.
10- Image Processing.
11- Real Time Interface.
12- Data Science.

Add your Project URL here Below.

Click on the Button filform and submit your Project through form filling.