Global Sponsor Panel-Loop of Pool. (GSP-LP)

Duckstairs Enterprises is an Event Managemen/Project &
Recreational Organisation, is organizing Event Sponsor Panel for
Scheduled Events by Providing Corporative Perk Services. LOOP of
POOL Panel is Consists on Luminous Sponsors and Proposed
Luminous Sponsors are those who Avail the Event Opportunity Selling,
through Media Advertising, and Proposed Sponsor Panel is Consists on
those Bussiness Brands and Companies who will be invited for Event
Opportunity Selling, through E.mail invitations. Third way for Becoming
Member of LOOP of POOL is to Fill this Form, and avail infinite
opportunities of Promotion through Content Marketing.

Incentives for Partnership: Event Opportunity Selling Platform by
Providing Corporative PERK Services . Join this Programme for
multi-max-plus Promotion and Exposure through Content Marketing.

Available Scheduled Events Opportunities for Sale:
1- Robo-Sonic Tech-Expo, Istanbul/Turkey. Scheduled Event for Every
2- Optimum-Gala Global-Brands Expo, Toronto/Canada. Scheduled
Event for Every Year

DuckStairs Global Sponsor Panel-Loop of Pool. (DGSP-LP)