Brand Audit

Brand Audit

Table of Content

Brand Audit Explanation

Steps in Brand Audit

Purpose of Brand Audit

Target of Brand Audit

Future of Brand Audit

Brand Assets

Brand Marketing

Brand Audit Method & Model

Audit Method & Model

A brand review is an exhaustive assessment and assessment of a brand’s ongoing situation on the lookout, its assets and shortcomings, and its true capacity for development and improvement. It includes dissecting different components of the brand, for example, its image character, market position, main interest group, promoting techniques, and in general standing.
Steps in Brand Review:
A brand review regularly includes the accompanying advances:
Characterize the brand: This includes recognizing the brand’s guiding principle, statement of purpose, and in general brand personality.
Audit the brand’s showcasing and correspondences systems: This includes breaking down the brand’s promoting endeavors, including publicizing efforts, web-based entertainment presence, and other limited time exercises, to decide their adequacy in coming to and drawing in the main interest group.
Survey the brand’s market position: This includes investigating the brand’s main interest group, portion of the overall industry, and serious scene to decide how the brand fits inside the market.
Assess the brand’s standing: This includes surveying the brand’s general standing and picture among buyers, as well as any possible qualities or shortcomings in the brand’s standing.
Direct client research: This includes gathering criticism from clients to figure out their impression of the brand, including their fulfillment levels, inclinations, and by and large brand faithfulness.
Distinguish regions for development: In light of the aftereffects of the brand review, the following stage is to recognize explicit regions where the brand can work on its presentation, market position, or in general standing.
In general, a brand review is a basic device for organizations hoping to assess their image’s ongoing situation on the lookout and come to informed conclusions about promoting techniques, item improvement, and by and large business methodology. It assists organizations with recognizing regions where they can work on their image’s presentation and remain cutthroat on the lookout.
Brand Resources and Brand Promoting:
Brand resources and brand showcasing are without a doubt basic pieces of a brand review. Here’s the reason:
Brand resources: Brand resources are the visual and non-visual components that make up a brand’s personality, including its logo, variety conspire, textual style, manner of speaking, bundling, and other unmistakable highlights. Surveying and assessing these brand resources is a basic part of a brand review, as they help to impart the brand’s message, values, and character. In a brand review, brand resources are assessed to decide their viability in making brand mindfulness, acknowledgment, and unwaveringness among customers.
Brand showcasing: Brand showcasing is the method involved with advancing a brand and its items or administrations through different promoting channels, like promoting, virtual entertainment, advertising, and experiential advertising. Brand showcasing assists with building and keep areas of strength for a picture and notoriety among customers. In a brand review, the viability of a brand’s promoting endeavors is assessed to decide how well they are imparting the brand’s message, building brand mindfulness, and driving brand dedication.
In outline, both brand resources and brand showcasing are fundamental parts of a brand review. Assessing and surveying these components is basic to grasping a brand’s assets, shortcomings, open doors, and dangers, and creating systems to streamline the brand’s exhibition and improve its standing among buyers.

The Motivation behind a Brand Review:
is to assess the present status of a brand, recognize its assets and shortcomings, and foster systems to work on its exhibition and market position. A brand review is a complete assessment of a brand’s showcasing and correspondence methodologies, its ideal interest group, its market position, and its general standing.
The basic role of a brand review is to give organizations an objective assessment of their image’s exhibition and distinguish regions where they can further develop their showcasing procedures and increment their image’s worth. By directing a brand review, organizations can:
Recognize regions for development: A brand review assists organizations with distinguishing explicit regions where they can work on their image’s exhibition, like promoting systems, brand personality, item quality, or client experience.
Foster powerful promoting methodologies: A brand review furnishes organizations with experiences into their ideal interest group and market position, permitting them to foster more viable showcasing techniques that resound with their clients.
Construct a more grounded brand personality: A brand review assists organizations with assessing their ongoing image character and foster systems to fabricate a more grounded, more firm brand that resounds with their interest group.
Remain cutthroat on the lookout: A brand review assists organizations with remaining serious in the market by recognizing key patterns and regions for development, permitting them to remain in front of their rivals.
Generally speaking, the motivation behind a brand review is to assist organizations with assessing their ongoing image position and foster methodologies to work on their presentation, increment their piece of the pie, and fabricate a more grounded, more important brand.
Focus of Brand Review:

The objective of a brand review can be an organization or association that needs to assess its image’s presentation and wellbeing. The objective of a brand review is to evaluate the brand’s assets and shortcomings, distinguish potential open doors for development, and foster techniques to improve the brand’s standing and serious position.
A brand review can likewise be led for a particular item or administration presented by an organization to assess its marking viability and distinguish regions for development.
In synopsis, the objective of a brand review can be any element that needs to assess and streamline its marking technique, whether it’s an organization, association, or a particular item/administration.
Brand Review Technique and Model:
There are a few techniques and models that can be utilized to lead a brand review. Here are a few generally utilized ones:
SWOT Examination: This is a straightforward and compelling device that assists with recognizing the brand’s assets, shortcomings, open doors, and dangers. It includes breaking down the brand’s inner and outer climate to distinguish factors that can affect the brand’s presentation.
Brand Stock: This includes making a complete rundown of the relative multitude of brand’s components, for example, logos, trademarks, bundling, brand messages, and other marking resources. The brand stock gives an unmistakable image of the brand’s ongoing personality and the way things are seen by buyers.
Brand Exploratory: This is an examination based approach that includes leading top to bottom meetings, center gatherings, and reviews to grasp the buyer’s view of the brand. This technique assists with distinguishing the brand’s situating, character, and other key ascribes.
Brand Worth Chain: This strategy assists with distinguishing the worth chain of the brand and how it can make an incentive for the shoppers. It includes dissecting the brand’s upstream and downstream exercises to comprehend how the brand makes esteem.
Brand Reverberation Model: This is a model created by Kevin Keller that assists with understanding how the brand makes major areas of strength for a with the purchasers. It includes dissecting the brand’s striking nature, execution, symbolism, decisions, sentiments, and reverberation.
Brand Value Model: This model assists with estimating the brand’s value and worth. It includes examining the brand’s image dependability, brand mindfulness, saw quality, and other brand-related measurements to survey the brand’s solidarity and worth.
These are a portion of the normal techniques and models that can be utilized to direct a brand review. The choice of the technique and model relies upon the brand’s goal and the extent of the review.
Fate of Brand Review:
The fate of brand review is probably going to be molded by a few patterns and improvements in the showcasing and marking scene. Here are a few potential ways that brand review might develop from now on:
Expanded utilization of innovation: As innovation keeps on propelling, brand review is probably going to integrate more computerized apparatuses and techniques. This could incorporate the utilization of man-made reasoning (man-made intelligence) and AI to break down enormous informational collections and recognize designs in shopper conduct and brand execution.
More prominent accentuation on manageability and social obligation: With the developing significance of supportability and social obligation, brand review may progressively zero in on surveying how well brands are measuring up to these assumptions. This could include assessing a brand’s ecological effect, work practices, and social commitments.
Reconciliation of client criticism: As the client turns out to be more key to the marking system, brand review may progressively integrate client criticism and information. This could include gathering input from virtual entertainment, online surveys, and other computerized channels to comprehend how shoppers see and communicate with a brand.
Extension of worldwide business sectors: As additional brands venture into worldwide business sectors, brand review might turn out to be more perplexing and nuanced. This could include surveying how well a brand is reverberating with shoppers across various locales and societies and changing the brand’s informing and situating in like manner.
Accentuation on brand reason and values: With buyers progressively searching out brands with an unmistakable feeling of direction and values, brand review may progressively assess a brand’s capacity to impart and typify these qualities. This could include surveying a brand’s statement of purpose, social effect, and generally brand informing.
Generally, the eventual fate of brand review is probably going to be formed by the changing assumptions and ways of behaving of shoppers, as well as by more extensive cultural and innovative patterns. By remaining sensitive to these patterns, brands can guarantee that their image review endeavors stay applicable and compelling.

Brand Analysis (1)

Brand Analysis

Table of Content







Brand examination is the most common way of assessing a brand’s general exhibition, notoriety, and effect on its interest group. It includes gathering information and dissecting different parts of a brand, for example, its piece of the pie, client devotion, brand mindfulness, and brand value. Here are a few vital stages in leading a brand examination:
Characterize the Brand’s Personality: Distinguish the brand’s central goal, vision, values, interest group, and remarkable selling recommendation.
Assemble Information: Gather data about the brand’s portion of the overall industry, marketing projections, client criticism, brand notoriety, web-based entertainment commitment, and contender investigation.
Break down the Information: Decipher the information and recognize patterns, qualities, shortcomings, open doors, and dangers (SWOT investigation) that the brand is confronting.
Measure Brand Value: Measure the worth of the brand by evaluating its monetary worth, client insight, and brand reliability.
Foster Techniques: In view of the bits of knowledge acquired from the examination, foster methodologies to work on the brand’s presentation, address shortcomings, and exploit open doors.
Screen and Assess: Constantly screen the brand’s exhibition, assess the viability of the procedures, and make changes as required.
In general, a brand examination gives important experiences into a brand’s assets, shortcomings, and open doors for development, and it assists organizations with creating viable marking methodologies to boost their effect on their ideal interest group.

Reason for Brand Investigation:
Brand investigation is especially valuable for organizations that are sending off another item, entering another market, or confronting expanded rivalry. By directing a brand investigation, organizations can acquire a superior comprehension of their main interest group, assess their image’s promoting methodologies, and recognize regions for development.
The interest group of brand examination may likewise incorporate advertising experts, marking organizations, and advisors who have some expertise in creating and carrying out showcasing systems. These experts can utilize brand investigation to assist organizations with distinguishing regions for development, foster compelling showcasing methodologies, and fabricate a more grounded, more significant brand.
Generally speaking, the motivation behind brand examination is to furnish organizations with an objective assessment of their image’s exhibition and recognize regions where they can further develop their advertising techniques and increment their image’s worth. The main interest group of brand examination incorporates organizations, advertising experts, marking offices, and specialists who need to foster viable promoting techniques and construct more grounded, more important brands.
Strategy for Brand Investigation
There are a few strategies for brand investigation that organizations can use to assess their image’s exhibition and distinguish regions for development. Here are a few normal techniques:
Brand character investigation: This technique centers around assessing a brand’s visual character, informing, and brand character. It incorporates examining components, for example, the brand’s logo, variety conspire, slogan, and brand voice to guarantee they line up with the brand’s general objectives and values.
Market examination: This technique centers around assessing the brand’s ongoing business sector position, including its interest group, contest, and market patterns. It incorporates dissecting statistical surveying information, shopper conduct, and market division to distinguish potential open doors for development and improvement.
Client investigation: This strategy centers around assessing the brand’s relationship with its clients, including their requirements, inclinations, and ways of behaving. It incorporates breaking down client input, fulfillment overviews, and different information to recognize regions where the brand can further develop the client experience.
Brand execution investigation: This strategy centers around assessing the brand’s general exhibition and worth, including measurements, for example, portion of the overall industry, memorability, and brand value. It incorporates dissecting monetary information, deals reports, and other execution measurements to recognize regions where the brand can work on its presentation and increment its worth.
Brand notoriety examination: This technique centers around assessing the brand’s standing and picture on the lookout, including its web-based presence, media inclusion, and public discernment. It incorporates breaking down web-based entertainment feeling, online surveys, and different information to distinguish regions where the brand can work on its standing and construct a more grounded, more good picture.
Generally speaking, the technique for brand examination that a business uses will rely upon its particular objectives and necessities. By utilizing a blend of these techniques, organizations can acquire a thorough comprehension of their image’s presentation and foster compelling systems to work on its worth and market position.
Outline of Brand Investigation
Brand examination is an extensive course of assessing a brand’s ongoing situation on the lookout, distinguishing its assets and shortcomings, and creating systems to work on its exhibition and market position. It includes investigating different parts of the brand, including its personality, ideal interest group, promoting procedures, and in general standing. The reason for a brand investigation is to furnish organizations with an objective assessment of their image’s exhibition, recognize regions for development, and foster procedures to expand its worth and piece of the pie. The fate of brand examination is probably going to be molded by headways in innovation, changes in purchaser conduct, and developing promoting patterns, for example, more prominent utilization of information investigation, expanded center around client experience, combination with artificial intelligence innovation, accentuation on supportability and social obligation, and reconciliation with computerized advertising channels.
Fate of Brand Investigation:
The fate of brand examination is probably going to be molded by a few arising patterns and innovations. Here are a few potential improvements that might influence the fate of brand investigation:
Expanded utilization of computerized reasoning and AI: As artificial intelligence innovation turns out to be more complex, it very well might be utilized to dissect brand execution and give experiences into purchaser conduct, inclinations, and opinion.
Joining with blockchain innovation: Blockchain innovation can possibly give more noteworthy straightforwardness and responsibility in brand examination, especially in regions, for example, store network the executives and item legitimacy.
More noteworthy accentuation on client information security: With expanding worries around information security, brand examination is probably going to put more prominent accentuation on safeguarding client information and regarding their protection inclinations.
Extension to new business sectors and channels: As organizations keep on venturing into new business sectors and channels, brand investigation might have to adjust to assess brand execution across a more extensive scope of settings and touchpoints.
Combination with expanded and augmented reality: As AR and VR advancements become more broad, brand investigation may progressively consolidate these innovations to give more vivid and intelligent encounters for customers.
Generally speaking, the eventual fate of brand examination is probably going to be molded by new advancements, changing shopper inclinations, and developing business sector patterns. By staying aware of these patterns, organizations can remain on the ball and guarantee that their image stays cutthroat and important in the years to come.

Corporate Brnding

Corporate Marketing

Corporate Marketing

Corporate showcasing alludes to the exercises, techniques, and endeavours embraced by an organisation to advance its image, items, administrations, and values to different partners. It includes an extensive variety of showcasing strategies pointed toward building a positive brand picture, expanding brand mindfulness, and supporting the general business objectives of the organisation. Corporate showcasing is much of the time zeroed in on long haul brand constructing and making a steady and good impression of the organisation according to its interest group.


Key parts of corporate promoting include:

Brand Character: Laying out and keeping areas of strength for a personality that mirrors the organisation’s qualities, mission, and remarkable selling suggestion. This incorporates planning logos, choosing brand tones, and making steady visual and informing components.

Brand Informing: Growing clear and convincing messages that convey the organisation’s offer, items, and administrations to various crowds. Successful informing separates the organisation from its rivals.

Advertising: Dealing with the organisation’s public picture through media relations, official statements, and other correspondence endeavours. This includes sharing news, updates, and stories to keep a positive discernment in the media and public.

Corporate Interchanges: Making and disseminating correspondences that stay with partners informed about the exercises, accomplishments, and drives. This can incorporate inside correspondences to workers and outer interchanges to clients, financial backers, and accomplices.

Content Advertising: Making and sharing important substances, like articles, sites, recordings, and whitepapers, that instruct, engage, or tackle issues for the ideal interest group. Content advertising lays out the organisation as an expert in its industry.

Social Obligation: Showing the organisation’s obligation to social and natural issues by taking part in dependable strategic approaches and partaking in local area drives. This can improve the organisation’s standing and cultivate generosity.

Occasions and Sponsorships: Taking part in or supporting occasions, meetings, and local area exercises that line up with the organisation’s qualities and interest group. This gives chances to systems administration and exhibiting the organisation’s contributions.

Worker Commitment: Including representatives in the organisation’s promoting endeavours, as they can be brand supporters and assume a part in forming the organisation’s public discernment.

Emergency The board: Creating techniques and plans to address and deal with any regrettable circumstances or emergencies that could influence the organisation’s standing.


Estimation and Investigation: Following and breaking down key execution pointers (KPIs) to assess the adequacy of corporate advertising endeavours. This incorporates measurements connected with brand mindfulness, commitment, and feeling.

Corporate promoting means to make a durable and positive brand picture that reverberates with clients, accomplices, representatives, financial backers, and different partners. It assists work with trusting and faithfulness, which can eventually prompt better client connections, expanded piece of the pie, and business development.

  Business Brand

The brand is the soul of the manifesto, that you stand for. The brand provides identity to your business. It is how your customers’ experience and recognize your business. Apparent assets of the brand are, Name, Logo, Tagline, Slogan, and Mascot, and a Total are almost thirteen assets.  All are physical assets of any Brand. All these are like a seed for the marketing of that Brand. The type of seed we embed in the same kind of plant comes out so, we can say that the physical asset of any brand is like the genes of that brand.

The brand is the soul of the manifesto, that you stand for. The brand provides identity to your business. It is how your customers’ experience and recognize your business. Apparent assets of the brand are, Name, Logo, Tagline, Slogan, and Mascot, and a Total are almost thirteen assets.  All are physical assets of any Brand. All these are like a seed for the marketing of that Brand. The type of seed we embed in the same kind of plant comes out so, we can say that the physical asset of any brand is like the genes of that brand.

Growth Qualities exist in the physical assets of any Brand. So as many good physical assets, a Brand has as much potential as a brand has to grow. Identities of Brands are of two types. The first one is the type of physical assets of brands second one is the impact creation on customer perception about that brand. One side of the identity of the brand is a material base while the second one is on a perception base. A business brand is also known as corporate branding, the act of promotion of brand identity through communication efforts in different markets. The scope of corporate brands is very vast. Branding is actually all about practical corporation and digital marketing. Three types of brands existed, A corporation or Company brand, A product brand, and A personal brand.

Multiple advantages of business brands are mentioned here below.

1- You need a distinctive identity of your brand in the market. You should be a distinguishing business owner for your competitors.

2- Distinguishing identity makes you prominent in the market. You can achieve more business growth than your competitors.

3- Customer loyalty building is also important. Loyal customers have an emotional link with successful brands.

4- Gain and Retaining employees affect successful branding.

Brand your business through some practical steps:

1- Present our brand personality.

2- Determine core values and mission.

3- Create your brand promise or brand value propositions.

4- Identify your Audience and your potential customers.

5- Geographical assimilation should be appropriate.

Sponsors panel

     Global Sponsor Panel Loop of Pool

Duckstairs Enterprises is an Event Management/Project & Recreational Organisation.

 DuckStairs Events introduces Global Sponsor Panel-Loop of Pool, for Scheduled Events by Providing Corporative Perk Services.  LOOP of POOL Panel is Consists on Luminous Sponsors and Proposed Sponsors.

Fill this form and Open the infinite Horizon of Sales and Promotions through Content Marketing. 

Duckstairs offers sponsorship in three ways, First way is through proposed sponsor panel, duckstairs invites panel through e.mail for Event Opportunity Sales.

Second way is Luminous Sponsorship, Through this channel Duckstairs Advertise its Event Opportunity as an open offer for Global Companies who want to be part, so they can be joined.
Third way is  to fill this offered form, and in this way you will become the part of Sponsor Panel. And Duckstairs will be responsible to Provide you all Events Opportunities for sale.

Sponsorship According to DuckStairs Vision


The history of Sponsorship started when civilized human societies took place. History of Sponsorship is based on three developmental Levels.

1- Sports Events Sponsorship Era. (330, BCE)

2- Corporative Exploded Era. 80s to 90s.

3- Marketing Strategy As Content Marketing Element from the last two decades( 2000-2022).

Now a days Sponsorship is an organized industry. All Events Companies requirement is sponsor panel for their Events. Duckstairs Events Management is  Organizer of their own Designed and Scheduled Events for every year, So the Sponsor Panel is top most requirement of scheduled Events. Both sponsor and sponsee gets advantage through event opportunity. Some researches shows that Sponsors Benefits are more than Sponsee.

In early times development sponsors were part of games. The explosion of Corporate sponsorship happened in the decade of the 80s to 90s. While recently, Marketing strategy as a Content part of Marketing. And according to recently known facts, Content marketing is the most perfect, Long lasting, Reliable, Reputable, and Comprehensive part of marketing. Content marketing is real and actual marketing that delivers Potential results.

Sponsorship is a Noun in Grammar.

Importance of Sponsorship:


Sponsorship is a strategy or discipline, Belongs to Marketing Business Culture, in this Strategy Event Organisers have a Higher financial Budget with two types of Purposes,

1- Business Promotions of Sponsors.

2- Promotion of the Event to achieve its Max Potential. 

Phenomenal Powers of Sponsorship:


1- Systematic Cognitive approaches for Business Access.

2- Connections Hospitality.

3- Audience access.

4- Affinity, Data.

5- Exposure to Max Media.

6- Commercial Advantages and Associations with Event Organizers. 

7- Public perception formation is possible, A perfect perception forms through Sponsorship, which is impossible to build in Sponsors’ companies on their own.

8- Powerful tool in the context of the Marketing Spectrum.

9- Dynamic Stand of Brand.

10- Dynamic & Phenomenal Impacts/Impressions.

11- Global Exposure.

Sponsorship in Marketing:


1- A Marketing Strategy.

2- A Marketing Discipline.

3- A Marketing Spectrum.

4- A Marketing Channel.

5- A Marketing Strategy.

6- Content Marketing.

Types of Sponsorship:


Sponsorship is of two types:

1- Proposed Sponsorship:

    This kind of sponsorship consists of the proposed sponsor panel which receives sponsorship invitation letters through e.mails.

2- Luminous Sponsorship:

    This type of sponsorship is an open offer to all Business Brands. Companies, States, Organizations, Foundations, and all the Corporate sector, Because of the deficiency of time, Proposed Sponsor invitations are impossible to forward Globally. So Through Luminous Sponsor Proposal, Sponsee gives an opportunity to global platforms. In this way, an opportunity for sponsorship marketing covers global Sponsor platforms. Luminous Sponsorship Offering media mod is through an ad in Social media.

Value of Proposed Sponsorship and Luminous Sponsorship is equal in participation level and different in Sponsor Package selection Level. Out put of beneficiaries from sponsorship depends on Package selection, Beneficiaries are according to selected Package. Scheduled, 

Benefits of Sponsorship:


1-Sponsorship creates dynamic connections with positive ideas.

2- Sponsorship Increases the impact your business has on people beyond awareness and promotions.

3- Reliable & Reputable Global Events like ( Robo-Sonic,

 and Tech Expo Istanbul/Turkey a Schedule Technology Platform, will be held annually) Sponsors Always get multiple advantages.

4- Sponsorship is part of Content Marketing.

5- Sponsorship Marketers are kings of Content.

6- Sponsorship builds impacts and impressions.

7- Sponsorship provides multi-max- plus advantages to the businesses.

8- Sponsorship marketers are actually content creators and managers.


Role of Content in Sponsorship Marketing:


Content Marketing is real form of Marketing. Events are part of Content marketing. 

Basic Forms of Content:


1- Text form of Content.

2- Image form of Content.

3- Video form of Content.

4- Sounds form of Content.

Content Creators:


Six human senses are basic and actual content creators.

Most Strongest Source of Content Marketing:


Animated Videos are strongest form of Content Marketing. Animations meets well to the dynamity of content marketing.

Types of Content for Sponsorship:


All advertisement related content is part of content marketing for sponsorship, like, images, sounds, design, art, fashion, photography, modeling, angles and modes of presentations, backgrounds, color matchings according to theme of Events with collaborative presentations of sponsors companies needs and requirements.All these factors are direct part of content marketing. While culture,religion, history, traditions, trends, are indirect part of Conent marketing. 

Duckstairs cares about Sponsors data and sets to its best up to the top management advertising standards through Event channelistion on Global media.

Triangle Sponsorship According to Duckstairs:


1- Brand.

2- Content.

3- Max-Media.

Events are part of Content marketing, so they organised Sponsored Brand Data through Event Marketing on Global Media.

Sponsors of Duckstairs for Robo-Sonic, Tech-Expo, and Scheduled Technology Platform for Engineering Students, Istanbul/Turkey.

Accompanied by the services of corporative Perk these Sponsors will receive extra services. (Duckstairs)

Sponsors of this Expo will receive a stream of new technology research-based Projects,  this research project stream will help these technology companies in the direction of future orientation. These technology companies have the authority to give direction to future research. 

These Technology companies have opportunity to select research projects teams for their staff as internees or further more according to their need.

This Expo will create Harmony and A bridge between new research and developments, and their assimilation with civil society. For proper channelization of these companies’ technology products to the market of sales and Promotions.


And this is a Scheduled Expo that will be Organised every year and will provide New Projects Streams to the technology companies every year. The coming year’s Performance will be more good than the previous year’s because Time is the best buddy to remove weaknesses and deliver better results than the previous year. 

So the Significance value of Robo-Sonic, Tech-Expo as a Comprehensive Event is Exceptional, Innovative, Creative & Future-Oriented. This is a Reliable and Reputable Technology Platform. Heading forward Collaboratively by creating a technology Sponsors Panel. 

Duckstairs Events Global is Technology Promoter through Events.

 ( Sponsorship Conceptual Clarity)(Duckstairs)

Corporate Sponsorship is a type of advertising, where Business companies pay to the Event management company in the context of certain business Promotional Events.

 Sponsorship as Content Marketing:(Duckstairs)

Corporative Sponsorship is a Content form of marketing. Because Event marketing is content marketing when Events are Organised by sponsor amount by business companies for the cause of business Promotion and Exposure then Sponsorship is known as Content Marketing.

Corporative PERK Services:(Duckstairs)

Duckstairs Events Management Company Provides Corporate PERK services in the Reverse of Sponsorship. Cooperative PERK consists of twelve services, Packages of Sponsorship are three, Silver, Golden, and Premium, for the Silver package takers there are four services offering a chart, for the Golden package seven services are available while for the Premium package takers twelve services are scheduled. 

The benefits of Sponsorship have reciprocal effects like the law of reaction in physics, all actions reverse by reactions and the example of the ball, when we forward a ball to a wall ball reaction comebacks with the same potential power back to us, So the reaction of Sponsorship is Parallel in its practical ground of happening.

 Benefits of Sponsor to Business Companies:(Duckstairs)

The benefits of sponsorship to business companies are multiple and Dynamic Events Management Companies can provide these benefits to business Sponsor Companies. Business Companies can enhance image and visibility, and an opportunity to differentiate the company from competitors and help to develop closer relationships with recent and potential/prospective customers. Showcase of company brand with services/products. Event Organisers provide stalls to the Sponsor Companies as their representative desks. Duckstairs have Tech-Affiliate Panel  for the sale of Technology Products. Duckstairs Purchases technology Products through B to B model and sales through Tech-Affiliate Panel, by B to C model. 

Nowadays Benefits of Sponsorship are doubled Because the audience of any Event is of two types Physical audience and a Digital audience. The benefits of exposure and presentation are more than before with the arrival of digitalization. Now Events are Global events because of digitalization. Branding fit, mission alignment, and business growth are other plus beneficial parts. Corporate Sponsorship provides immediate customer response. Sponsorship is a marketing strategy that is up above all types of prejudices.

Benefits of Sponsorship to Event Management Company:(Duckstairs)

Event Organisers Organise Events with the Sponsored amount, one Event implies multiple, Dynamic, and long-lasting effects,

1- Social activity, Business activity.

2- Exposure, integrity.

3- Data, Promotions.

4- Experience, Perceptions.

5- Art of Management and Organisations.

6- Max-media Coverages.

7- Digital media, Physical media.

8- Event Magazine.

9- Profile Ranking.

10- Global Exposure.

11- Future Orientations.

12-  Potential links and Connections/Relations.

13- Parallel Business Growth.

 Element of Dynamity and Integrity in Sponsorship:


Sponsorship Essence is very Dynamic and has multiple Dimensions for Both Sponsor and Sponsee. Integrity in Sponsorship comes because this is up above the cultural, language, state, and all types of boundaries. The essence of Sponsorship has Universal value and mechanism. Positive long-lasting impacts and impression development on consumers’ cognitive mapping make it Dynamic. And the neutral approach of applying forms makes it Integral. Sponsorship is equally important all over the world and up above prejudice. So being a neutral element this is an integral and universal direction of sponsorship.

Measures of Comprehensive Events:


Sponsors want to give Sponsorship to Comprehensive and Global Events. So it is essential to understand the measures of Comprehensive Events.

1- The event should have Global Caliber.

2-  Proposed Sponsor Panel should be Global.

3- Exposure of Events should be Global.

    (through physical and digital audiences)

4- The Niche of Events should be Renowned, Authoritative, Purposeful, and Target oriented.

5- The location of the Event should be an Accessible and well-known Place.

6- Scheduled Events (Happen every year) are more Good to Sponsor than single Time  Events.

7- Event Company must have their own Global Media Panel. 

Distinction of Duckstair for Sponsors:

Duckstairs Event Management/Projects & Recreational Organisations Global always brings self-design, new, dynamic, creative, and innovative base Futuristic and scheduled Events for our Business Partners and Global audience. Duckstairs considers the Global population as one Panel. Duckstairs believes that, 

Avoid deviations and promote affiliations for achievement of target exactly and on time. Collaborative efforts for target achievements are more effective and potentially result oriented.

Robo Sonic Brand Assets

Robo-Sonic Brand Assets

   The universe is based on these elements,

                                           (Air, Water, Fire, Soil)

These four elements are signs of multiple energies, the phenomenal merge with multiple dynamite energies come into being in the living world through technological products. So the top development of the crown of creation is the development of Technology.


                     Robo-Sonic is a Brand Name. Latest Technology Products Like Robots are facing Problems in the market of sales, there was a need to create the trust of consumers and Create better emotional appeal with technology Products. So the need was assessed to Launch a First Technology Brand in the World. That is ROBO-SONIC. Brand Assets present the identity of the Brand interface. The owner and Founder of this Brand are Maimoona Iram From Pakistan. Assets of this Brand are here below,

1- Brand Name:

The First asset of any brand is obviously the name of the brand.

               : ROBO-SONIC Technology Brand:

                 .Sign of Revolutionary Era.

Functional & Practical Meaning of Robo-Sonic: 

  •  Machines formed with multiple technology collaborations like Artificial Intelligence, Mechanics, Automation, and Programming, are called the Robo-Sonic in-market of sales.
  • Dictionary Meaning of Sonic:

                              Denoting, Related to, r of the nature of sound or sound waves.

  • Comprehensive Meaning:

                            Utilizing, produced by, or relating to sound waves sonic altimeter broadly: of or involving sound sonic pollution.2: having a frequency within the audible range of the human ear used for waves and vibrations.

  • Literature Meaning:

                            Thus, art research as sonic fiction is a generative fiction, rather than a referential fiction it is designed from the actions of its materiality, not as a description of reference of an object as a source, but as the visible shape of the process itself.

  • Sonic in Grammar:  

                              Sonic is an ADJECTIVE.

  • Sonic Animal:

                        Hedgehog. The speedy blue Hero SONIC takes his inspiration from the humble hedgehog. And this Animal is the Mascot of the ROBO-SONIC BRAND.

2- Mascot of Robo-Sonic.

Hedgehog. The speedy blue Hero SONIC takes his inspiration from the humble hedgehog. And this Animal is the Mascot of the ROBO-SONIC BRAND.

  • There are seventeen different species of hedgehog around the world-but for as we know, and none of them can run as fast as sonic. Sonic pals are echidna, and the tail is a fox.
  • Now the next step for this Brand was Better Collaboration with the Companies that are Manufacturers of the Latest Technology Products Like Robots. For better collaboration with the world of technology manufacturers, we are organizing the Distinctive & unique project exhibition. And this is Scheduled Plate Form For Engineering Students, and for other communities involved in indirect or direct research in technological innovations.
  • Robo-Sonic as Energy Character:

Second Mascot of Robo-Sonic Brand:

        The second mascot of this brand is Tortle. Now the reason why Tortle is the second mascot of Robo-Sonic Brand is that Tortle cognitively depicts three types of energies, Tortle can survive in Water, Soil, and Air, So these three elements are depictive energies through the symbol of mascot Tortle. Developments and Growth in Technologies are slowly and steadily happening, while slowly and steadily winning the race is the life mark of Tortle, So the matchings of Tortle with Technology brand happen in these directions as I share.

2- Logo


3- Story:

Sound of time with the collaboration of the modern Era Provokes the need for Technology brands. So there are multiple factors that become the reason for the emergence of this Brand. Affiliate marketing platforms are also a very important part of this brand.

4- Message:

 Knowledge is the super most power for the crown of creation.

5- Colour Scheme:

6- Jingle or Font:

Italic Bold,

                         : ROBO-SONIC Technology Brand:

                               .Sign of Revolutionary Era.


                    The universe is based on these elements,

                                           (Air, Water, Fire, Soil)

These three elements are signs of multiple energies, the phenomenal merge with multiple dynamite energies come into being in the living world through technological products. So the top development of the crown of creation is the development of Technology.


                     Robo-Sonic is a Brand Name. Latest Technology Products Like Robots are facing Problems in the market of sales, there was a need to create the trust of consumers and Create better emotional appeal with technology Products. So the need was assessed to Launch a First Technology Brand in the World. That is ROBO-SONIC. Brand Assets present the identity of the Brand interface. The owner and Founder of this Brand are Maimoona Iram From Pakistan. Assets of this Brand are here below,

1- Brand Name:

The First asset of any brand is obviously the name of the brand.

               : ROBO-SONIC Technology Brand:

                 .Sign of Revolutionary Era.

Functional & Practical Meaning of Robo-Sonic: 

  •  Machines formed with multiple technology collaborations like Artificial Intelligence, Mechanics, Automation, and Programming, are called the Robo-Sonic in-market of sales.
  • Dictionary Meaning of Sonic:

                              Denoting, Related to, r of the nature of sound or sound waves.

  • Comprehensive Meaning:

                            Utilizing, produced by, or relating to sound waves sonic altimeter broadly: of or involving sound sonic pollution.2: having a frequency within the audible range of the human ear used for waves and vibrations.

  • Literature Meaning:

                            Thus, art research as sonic fiction is a generative fiction, rather than a referential fiction it is designed from the actions of its materiality, not as a description of reference of an object as a source, but as the visible shape of the process itself.

  • Sonic in Grammar:  

                              Sonic is an ADJECTIVE.

  • Sonic Animal:

                        Hedgehog. The speedy blue Hero SONIC takes his inspiration from the humble hedgehog. And this Animal is the Mascot of the ROBO-SONIC BRAND.

2- Mascot of Robo-Sonic.

Hedgehog. The speedy blue Hero SONIC takes his inspiration from the humble hedgehog. And this Animal is the Mascot of the ROBO-SONIC BRAND.

  •                                        There are seventeen different species of hedgehog around the world-but for as we know, and none of them can run as fast as sonic. Sonic pals are echidna, and the tail is a fox.
  • Now the next step for this Brand was Better Collaboration with the Companies that are Manufacturers of the Latest Technology Products Like Robots. For better collaboration with the world of technology manufacturers, we are organizing the Distinctive & unique project exhibition. And this is Scheduled Plate Form For Engineering Students, and for other communities involved in indirect or direct research in technological innovations.

Robo-Sonic as Energy Character:


 Second Mascot of Robo-Sonic Brand:

        The second mascot of this brand is Tortle. Now the reason why Tortle is the second mascot of Robo-Sonic Brand is that Tortle cognitively depicts three types of energies, Tortle can survive in Water, Soil, and Air, So these three elements are depictive energies through the symbol of mascot Tortle. Developments and Growth in Technologies are slowly and steadily happening, while slowly and steadily winning the race is the life mark of Tortle, So the matchings of Tortle with Technology brand happen in these directions as I share.

 2- Logo: 

3- Story:

Sound of time with the collaboration of the modern Era Provokes the need for Technology brands. So there are multiple factors that become the reason for the emergence of this Brand. Affiliate marketing platforms are also a very important part of this brand.

4- Message:

 Knowledge is the super most power for the crown of creation.

5- Colour Scheme:

6- Jingle or Font:

Italic Bold,

                         : ROBO-SONIC Technology Brand:

                               .Sign of Revolutionary Era.

7- Blurb:

8- Tagline:

                               : ROBO-SONIC Technology Brand:

                                         Time Creates Needs.

9- Slogan:

  Cognitive solutions lie in research & explorations.

Importance of Brand Asset Management:(B.A.M)

Brand Asset management is very important for all businesses because a brand provides identity to the product and the brand increases sales so proper brand asset management is the central part of any business. Brand Asset management is very important for a successful business.

Digital Brand

Digital Brand

Digital Brand

A digital brand encompasses the online identity and presence of a business or entity. It goes beyond a physical storefront or traditional marketing strategies, leveraging the digital landscape to connect with audiences, build relationships, and establish a unique identity. Key components of a digital brand include:

Online Presence:

A strong and consistent presence across digital platforms, including a user-friendly website, social media profiles, and other online channels.

Visual Identity:

Well-designed and cohesive visual elements, including logos, colour schemes, and graphics, that reflect the brand’s personality and values.

Content Strategy:

An essential way to deal with content creation that lines up with the brand’s voice and reverberates with the main interest group. This incorporates blog entries, articles, recordings, and different types of computerised content.

User Experience (UX):

A focus on providing a positive and seamless user experience on digital platforms, ensuring easy navigation, quick load times, and mobile responsiveness.

Social Media Engagement:

Active participation and engagement on social media platforms to connect with the audience, share updates, and build a community around the brand.

Digital Marketing:

Use of computerised showcasing methodologies like site design improvement (Website optimization), email promoting, pay-per-click (PPC) publicising, and web-based entertainment promoting to contact a more extensive crowd.

Online Reputation Management:

Monitoring and managing the brand’s online reputation, including reviews, comments, and mentions across various digital channels.

E-commerce Integration (if applicable):

Seamless integration of online shopping and transaction capabilities for brands involved in e-commerce.

Data Analytics:

Regular analysis of digital metrics and user behaviour to make informed decisions and optimise digital strategies for better performance.

Development and Versatility:

Embracing new advances and keeping up to date with computerised patterns to stay creative and versatile in the steadily developing advanced scene.

Authenticity and Transparency:

Fostering authenticity and transparency in digital communications to build trust with the audience.

Community Building:

Effectively captivating with the web-based local area, encouraging conversations, and building associations with adherents, clients, and brand advocates.

In the computerised age, a very much created advanced brand is fundamental for organisations hoping to lay out major areas of strength for a, interface with their main interest group, and flourish in the cutthroat web-based scene.


Cross/Double Branding


Co Branding, otherwise called co-marking, is an essential showcasing organisation between at least two particular brands. In this cooperative exertion, the elaborate brands meet up to make an exceptional item, administration, or promoting effort that use the qualities and characteristics of each accomplice.

The goal of co branding is to generate mutual benefits, such as expanded market reach, increased brand awareness, and enhanced consumer perception.


Through co branding, brands can combine their expertise, resources, and customer bases to create a more compelling and differentiated offering. This collaboration often results in products or services that reflect the shared values and objectives of the partnering brands. Successful co branding initiatives can lead to increased customer loyalty, improved competitiveness, and a more memorable market presence for the collaborating brands.


Examples of cobranding include partnerships between well-known companies, such as Nike and Apple (Nike+), Starbucks and Spotify, or co-branded credit cards with partnerships between banks and retail companies. These collaborations aim to create a win-win situation, where both brands benefit from the association and deliver greater value to their target audiences.