brand distinction

Brand Distinction

Table of Contents

Brand Distinction

Brand Distinction is the search of those elements that makes your brand unique, keep you out from the competition, these elements could be packaging, persona, experience, distinction creator can be one factor but in practical conditions, it depends on the combination of factors. 

Brand distinction or brand differentiation depends on the combination of factors from brand assets.

The science of brand asset management creates the difference between a brand from others. 

The factor or element that creates the distinction or differentiation must have to be held in fame to the concerned audience circle. Brand identity is a visible factor while Brand Distinctions is not the bible it exists in the mind of your customer clients. Building a  consistent Brand image is the most difficult task but it can help a lot in an increase of sales and brand growth, improving future graphs.

Importance of Brand Distinctions

Brand Distinction’s biggest advantage is it keeps you out of the competitive market. Through your Distinctions, you must have to develop brand distinctions and a brand distinction promotive campaign should run separately on all social media platforms other than brand position. In this way, you will be able to create a successful brand image in others’ minds.

The distinctions create separate images of your brand on your customer’s mind, it results in better sales, a better future. Brand visible elements are the base for brand distinctions. Brand image is the customer’s perception when they interact with your brand.

Brand strength is another factor, brand strength is based on Emotional data, the intensity of interaction with a brand creates emotional strength. As multiple interactions over time emotional attachment came into being.

Set your Brand Matrix

1- understand your audience.

2- profile your current customers.

3- consider your audience’s psychology.

4- determine the value of your product and consider who can benefit you more for this value.

5- should be aware of market analytics.

Diferenciations victory

The basic elements of the brand, like name, logo, color, design, personality, associations, all these factors play a very important way in the creation of successful brand differentiation. We can say that these are the factors that are responsible for brand differentiation then it will be more right. Credibility and uniqueness are the two main pillars of brand distinction.

The presentation factor is very considerable for brand distinctions. If the visible element of the brand like Logo. Name. Design. In the story, Mascot, all these factors are preventable, if proper attractive presentation occurs with unique color combinations then extreme level builds through presentations for 

So, finally, I would like to add that proper brand presentation is responsible for brand distinctions. Others’ perception matters a lot in creating brand differentiation if one person feels that a brand is distinctive may possibly form this image from the logo and another person creates some brand differentiation through mascot, I want to tell you that brand distinction factors vary from person to person. Depends on presentation and perception differences.

Recommended a youtube channel for videos regarding this blog articles: CLICK HERE

Recommended option if you want to organize your Brand Promotion Event.

Duckstairs Event Management and Recreational Organisation.

visit &contact through the channel. 

branding in emotive apeal

Branding in Emotive Appeal

Table of Contents

Branding in Emotive Appeal

Emotive Appeal branding is a process of creating an emotional link between branded products and consumers. Marc Gobe introduces this concept of emotional branding. Example: Apple Brand follows the emotive appeal of branding. Apple’s brand utilizes emotions for creating connections of product/service with consumers and brand loyalty over time.

Building of Emotional Branding

1- from customer-oriented to people-oriented.

2- from products/services to make an experience.

3- from no trust to being trustworthy.

4-to become the best service/product by giving the best quality.

5-from no inspiration to a high level of inspiration.

Three emotional Appeals, Ethos, Pathos,&, Logos,( these are Aristotle’s coined terms, and are all presented by Greek Words). Logos appeals to the reasoning, and logical arguments of the clients, Logos examples in advertising include, citations of statistics, facts, charts, and graphics. while, Ethos appeals to the status, and authority of the consumer for trust-building Pathos appeals to emotions like anger, sympathy for trust-building.

 These are the models of persuasion used to convince customers. Emotional appeals advertising convince the customer towards product purchasing through presenting Happiness, Fear, Passions, Ego. Needs, and Inspirations. While Emotions like, facts, rational thoughts, and statistics are failed factors in creating Emotional Appeal.

Emotional Branding allows the product/service to create lasting effects and deep bounds on the consumers. Emotional branding helps a lot in creating a good link between the product/service to the consumer.

Ethical Speeches

Ethical Speeches prove very persuasive, depending on the motivational speaker. Customers who have an emotional relationship with the branded product/service like to give recommendations to others to buy this product/service. Emotional branding is a very critical but successful way for branding.

The Factor Emotion is very helpful in the Emotive Appeal of Branding, but emotions are very dynamic and mechanical in their model and chemistry. Emotions basically are four, like Happiness, Sadness, Fear, and Anger, the connection creation process of all four with branded products/services is very difficult to grow. And one research of emotional connection to the brand can not be able to generalize to other situations.

Factors like, culture, locations create the difference between emotional connections to the brand. So the conclusion is that the connection of emotions with the brand is a very comprehensive process, and specific with product intensity as well as with external and environmental factors. So if a brand wants to create emotive appeal for brand promotions so they should be aware of all those factors that are involved in this process.

Factor chemistry top line is very important to know and more important than this is how to apply the sequence of proper applications also matters a lot for proper link creation between brand and consumer. Presentation of branded products and services are very important in the emotional link creation of the branded product to the consumer. The presentational chemistry of a brand should be the perfect one.

Future of Emotive Appeal of Branding

The future of emotive appeal of branding is very rushy, a lot of brands in near future are going to apply the Emotive branding appeals in their brand promotion system and strategy.

Recommended a youtube channel for videos regarding this blog articles: CLICK HERE

Recommended option if you want to organize your Brand Promotion Event.

Duckstairs Event Management and Recreational Organisation.

visit &contact through the channel. 

brand marketing

Brand Marketing

Table of Contents

Brand Marketing

Brand Marketing is a comparatively easy task as compared to marketing the product of non-brand items. Brand marketing is easy and accessible for the market and consumer. Brand marketing is the process of growing and establishing the relationship between consumer and brand.

 Examples of Brand marketing like Apple, coca-cola, or star bucks, because people recognize a company by its color, name, logo, and slogan. The publicity of the brand name increases the sales and attracts customers.

Role of Brand Marketing

In brand marketing promotions of products and services happens under the umbrella of the brand name. Brand plays the role of bridge between consumer and product.

In brand marketing, people or customers already have the knowledge of the product and its effectiveness they purchase it directly, brand name creates affiliations of the product with the consumer. Then sales become an easy task.

Types of Marketing and Brand Marketing

Types of marketing are two

  1. Business to Business, ( B to B).
  2. Business to Consumer,(B to C).

The brand name is a guarantee of trust, affiliation Emotional links, and association as previously known to the customer clients. So, marketing branded products/services is easier in business-to-business marketing. While in business-to-consumer marketing branded products/services are more easily promoted for sale.

Brand Marketing Strategy

 1- Develop a  tagline.

2- Consider your overall brand strategy.

3- Schedule Events, this is part of content marketing.

4- Develop A brand marketing website.

5- Develop promotive messages.

6- Set your Brand Position Where you stand now, indicate future milestones.

7- Focus on your target client and client groups.

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing can be defined as a group of tools, strategies, and procedures used to aggressively market a brand. Digital Marketing is also known as online marketing. Promotion of brand to connect with the potential market. The Internet provides a digital form of marketing. All digital marketing platforms are good for brand marketing. Like Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Linked-in,  these are most commonly known but other than these platforms are also available. How much social media platforms can be used for one brand’s digital marketing process depends on brand worth/ production level, as much a brand can supply as much they can use more social media platforms.

Strategies of Brand Marketing

1- Search engine optimization Marketing. (SEO)/(SEM).

2- Marketing through the fellowship of influencers.

3-Mobile Marketing.

4- Affiliate Marketing.

5- Pay per Click (PPC) marketing.

6- E.mail Marketing.

7- Event marketing.

Mechanics of Strategies in Marketing

Product type or kind matters a lot in the finalization of digital marketing strategy. The strategy should be according to the product/ service type or kind. Expert marketers can take this decision easily when a product goes for marketing on their table.

That which strategy is suitable for the marketing of this product. Strategies in groups can be applied but all this depends on product/service and location.

Future of Brand Marketing

The future of Brand Marketing is supersonic. With all guarantee and authority, I can assure you that the future is really bright. But make sure that your Brand should be standardly organized and should be popular in the market. Brand marketing through digital media is a very growing field more ever than before.

Recommended a youtube channel for videos regarding this blog articles: CLICK HERE

Recommended option if you want to organize your Brand Promotion Event.

Duckstairs Event Management and Recreational Organisation.

visit &contact through the channel. 

brand promotion

Brand Promotions

Table of Contents

Brand Promotion

Brand Promotion is the way to remind, inform, convince, persuade, and influence the decision-making process of the customer towards purchasing the branded product.

The marketing team of a company conducts brand Promotions. Wholesalers and Retailsaler also can do it.

Types of Promotions

  1. Advertising.
  2. Self Promotion.
  3. Public Relation.
  4. online internet through promotions.
  5. Promotion of sales.
  6. Direct Promotions.

Purpose of Brand Marketing

Brand Promotion Target is sales Flourishing, developing trust and long term emotional links of the brand to the consumers. Through brand marketing, you need to improve the seven Pz of marketing, Promotions, Product, Price, Packaging, Place, People, and Positioning. The need of customers is changing rapidly so marketers should know the proper time of sales when their product is on the top need. Marketers should update brand manufacturers about updating the model of the Product according to the need of the consumers. Marketers should be aware of seven Pz of marketing, And their suitable applications according to the time and density

Marketing Strategies

1- Conversational Marketing.

2- Advertising on media.

3-Internet Marketing.

4-Direct Selling.

5- Email Marketing.

6-Point of Purchase Marketing, (POP).

7-Affinity, Cobranding, and cause marketing.

8-Earned Media/PR.

4Cz of marketing are also considered in this mechanical process, Consistency, Credibility, Clarity, Competitiveness,

Brand Ambassador Promotion Programs on Social Media

Launch a brand Ambassador Program, higher a brand Ambassador on Social Media.

1- Set goals & Targets of your program.

2- A guideline & policy pattern should develop for your brand ambassador.

3- Set your Criteria,

4- Prompt your brand through incentivizing.

5- Keep the track Records of the Ambassador Program.

Future of Marketing

The future of brand marketing is very successful. But depends that if you are choosing the best strategy according to the time and conditions, then your success is done and there is no way for wrong choices. Be a successful marketer only through the selection of exact marketing policy.

Recommended a youtube channel for videos regarding this blog articles: CLICK HERE

Recommended option if you want to organize your Brand Promotion Event.

Duckstairs Event Management and Recreational Organisation.

visit &contact through the channel. 

brand event

Brand Event

Table of Contents

Brand Event

Nowadays Events are of multi-type, Like digital Events, Manual Events. If your brand is new you want to flourish your brand so one tool for brand promotion is Event Branding, You can arrange a launch event of a brand, this is part of content marketing brand event helps in Brand Awareness, Identity creation, and most important publicity of the brand happens through brand Event. 

The brand has multiple types, while Brand Event helps a lot in promotions of all types of a brand. Brand types are like personal brand, product brand, service brand, corporate brand, investor brand non-profit brand like NGO, Public brand, Activist Brand, Event branding is helpful to all types of brand.

Need of Events in Branding

Branding and Event both are happily blessed and connected always friends. Brand Event is part of content marketing. Through an Event, you can promote the voice of your brand, in a unique, meaningful, and authentic way, and consistent across every attendee touchpoint. Brand promise resonates more with event attendee more affiliations comes into existence.

 Events engage customers to the brand and increase the level of brand loyalty and its last long impression to the attendee of the events. In digital Events, the attendee stays online but the impacts of Event attendees are the same for the physically present attendees or for online attendees.

Events provide real-life interactions to the attendee for the promotion of brand impressions.

Event Marketing Examples:

1- Auctions and Raffles.

2-  Trade Events.

3- Launch and Learns Events.

4- Community Events.

5- Recreational or Sports Event.

6- Walk Events. 

7- Users Conferences.

8- Pop-up Shops.

9- Networking Events or mixers.

Promote a Brand at an Event

1- Audience.

2- SEO.

3- Overview.

4- Connect your business through partnerships.

5- Smart discount campaigns to enhance your byers Experience.

6- Build Hype around your Event, through Effective Tools.

7- Invite all concerned audiences to your Brand Event.

8- Publish your Event Magzine And distribute it to other audiences who can not attend your Event. Cover non-attendee through a magazine.

Virtual Events

This is the most impactful and most Promising way to promote your brand.

1-  Gift Boxes.

2- Invite A Motivational Speaker.

3- Social media.

4- Incentives.

5-  Virtual mockup.

6- Branded Cocktail Garnishes.

Types of Events

1- Seminar.

2- Sponsorship.

3- Exhibition/Expo.

4- Workshops and classes.

5-Trade shows.

6- Sports shows.

7- Ceremonies.


9- Funfairs.

10 Stage shows.

11- Seasonal and Traditional Festivals.

Benefits of Event Marketing

1-During hosting an Event, you can increase brand or product exposure, arrange proper promotions.

2- Promot your relationship with the Event attendee.

3-  Enhance leadership and credibility.

4- Approach your concerned audience.

Recommended a youtube channel for videos regarding this blog articles: CLICK HERE

Recommended option if you want to organize your Brand Promotion Event.

Duckstairs Event Management and Recreational Organisation.

visit &contact through the channel. 

creativity in branding

Creativity in Branding

Table of Contents

Creativity in Branding

 creativity is a tendency to recognize and generate ideas possibilities that can help in solving problems.

 Types of creativity are three mentioned here below.

1- Transformational creativity.

2- Combinational.

3- Exploratory.

Creativity is the torchlight light of branding way. Creativity is the oxygen of the branding process. Some steps are important for brand creativity these are, selection of logo, name, and slogan then the brand story with background and interesting, in the second step position your product and business, explain your company objectives then focus on your target.

Now the next step is marketing and advertisement, through creative advertisement you can capture the mind and hearts of your target audience. Creativity comes into action through asking questions, making connections, networking, and doing experimenting. Creativity helps in broadening our perspectives. While creativity in branding implies opening new horizons for future branding. Creativity in branding keeps a brand in a growing position. 

If a brand wants to grow time by time then creativity proves a pillar for growth in the brand. Creativity is responsible for novelty, developments, innovations, and impressive designs. Human beings are the crown of creation in this world. This value is because of the creative power of human beings.

Components of creativity are two, first one is originality, the creative idea or method should be new and unique. The second component is functionality, through which an idea becomes a part of practical


Creative Branding Ideas for your Business:

1- Make your Logo as good as possible.

 2- Embrace banner Ads and e.mail marketing.

3- Resort and Follow Brand Influencer.

4- Create Amazing style Videos.

5-  Improve your Ads strategy. 

6- Make a better standing on all social media platforms.

7- Find your Archetype.

8- Create your brand-based content and concepts.

The Target of Creative Branding

The target of creative branding is to create a unique impression on the mind of customers that can create long-lasting impressions. Long-lasting impressions affect the mind of the customer, also influence his/her decision-making process about purchasing choices. Customer associates something desirable and specific with your brand, that impact make your brand distinctive from other brands in the marketplace.

 Good creative design helps you a lot to create strong impressions. The creative design conveys key information, narrates brand stories, and builds consumer trust. Ultimately increase in sales happens, Brand starts growing day by day. All phenomenon becomes a practical reality, in the form of growth and future securities target get achieved. 

Researches show that two-factor creativity is considerable. People like more, 1- Simplicity,2- Convenience. Creative brand building on the basis of simplicity and convenience has guaranteed success in the market of sales.

Recommended a youtube channel for videos regarding this blog articles: CLICK HERE

Recommended option if you want to organize your Brand Promotion Event.

Duckstairs Event Management and Recreational Organisation.

visit &contact through the channel. 

Branding in a Professional Style

Branding in a Professional Style

Table of Contents

Professional Branding

Personal Brand is parallel to professional Style of Branding. Both are inter-related.

Professional branding is the process of creating a Mark around your name or around your career. It is how you express your skill personality your value or how you communicate with your circle of concerns online and in your professional circle. Effective Personal Branding is the process of trust-building, consistency in communicating online, and practical circle, once you build your brand impression then you start promoting this impression from the platform of your brand this will become the identity of your brand.

 This impression-building process is very creative and unique. One professional/personal Brand impression-building process for promotion can not be generalized or compared to another. The process of impression building or identity mark creation varies from brand to brand. Once you build the trust and impressions then it will stay permanent these impressions can not be changed. Professional Brand building is a matter of skill and experience and quality that someone has.

Ways of Professional Branding

 Network of your company: before starting your own personal professional brand develop first of all your company’s social media network. social media network for its promotion, trust, and impression building. The network depends on brand worth.


 Develop a Point of View

At this level, you have to create a complete intro of your brand that can build a comprehensive impression for a long time in customers’ minds. Consistent appearance: for the consistent appearance of your brand you should activate your own network. 


Storytelling is a good and interesting way for engaging your brand audience. Expertise: is another interesting factor that can prove effective for professional brand promotion and branding in a professional way. .

 Professional brand strategy measures where you stand now and where brand standing should be in the future. Creativity is the topmost factor that creates distinctive features of any brand. Distinctions create separate identities, impressions, and trust of any brand. Creativity helps a lot to create a positive good voice for the brand.

Excessive visibility, value prepositions, connections, network all these factors help a lot in trust-building and impression making.

Professional Brand Message

Your professional brand message connects the essence of your position in the workplace. brand identity is a reflection of your professional standing. What you are known for, or would like to be known for. Your positive character, your positive achievements, and your popularity help a lot in professional branding mark creation. Complete intro of yourself and your brand with clarity help in promoting 

Professional branding

Professional/personal Brand on Social Media.

1- update all your social media accounts daily.

2- use apps for social media posts.

3- flow your content daily.

4-import your contacts daily.

5- social media posts should interesting and engaging.

6- join groups.

7-  keep your brand voice and tone consistent.

8- study influencers.

9- create a comprehensive image through creativity.

Professional branding creates a distinction of a brand from other brands this way negates the competition of other brands with your professional brand.

Recommended a youtube channel for videos regarding this blog articles: CLICK HERE

Recommended option if you want to organize your Brand Promotion Event.

Duckstairs Event Management and Recreational Organisation.

visit &contact through the channel. 

images (4)

Brand Assets

Brand Asset

The brand is an identity in the sales market. For identity creation, a brand needs some distinguishing factors and qualities. These distinguishing factors become a brand Asset. So all brands have some elements that are known as brand assets.

On the basis of brand assets, a brand builds its separate, unique identity. Brand worth and sales lie in the Brand Asset. 

Brand Assets: are here step by step with all explanations.

Table of Contents

Brand Name

A catchy name with beautiful Favicon is the need number one for any brand.

There a lot of suggestion for brand name selection, that it should be unique, prominent and consists on one or two word. Name should be comprehensive and meaningful.


A Logo with a high resolution and transparent background is the topmost demand as for brand asset number one element.


A successful brand story should be based on theory. A complete impressive historical background who can easily define the brand need assessment.


A brand message should be a comprehensive note who signifies the future direction of that very brand.

Color Scheme

Color scheme of a brand should be charming clicking who can create an emotional link of the client with that very specific brand product easily directly.

Jingle or Font

Fonts speakers about your brand. Scripts fonts present beauty and while  Modern Text fonts are futuristic touch. A few popular fonts include,

  • Time New Roman.
  • EB Garamond
  • Lora.
  • Play Fair Display.


Brand Blurb is a creative writing paper of the brand that creates the link between the product and civilized societies. Demonstrates need for that product according to the best time of launch.


A tagline is a memorable motto or phrase that creates a permanent expression of the brand in the market for a greater purpose or mission. 


 An animated object can be a figure, animal, symbolic in nature, that stands as its representative. It is a link that stands between your brand and your brand audience.


Brand Topography is visual elements of your brand style guide or a brand book, Brand topography is not like a brand font or typeface,  they all are interlinked &  closely Topography palette helps to tie in one all links together directly from the copy on your website & mail to through to your logo, creating brand integrity & consistency, and memorability. 

Type Face

Typeface stands for a group of character numbers and letters that shares the same design, for example,  Garamond. Ariel and Times.


A brand slogan is an advertising tool, that conveys the brand spirit in the shortest time and style. Examples of Brand slogans are,

1- Coca-Cola…… Open Happiness.

2- Apple……Think Different.


In logo design, different shapes create different cognitive impressions so the logo maker should choose the logo shape according to product group and value.

Examples of Brand shape:

1- Coca-Cola bottle shape.

Customers associates their emotions with these elements.Build on your brand with these simple steps for better Brand Asset results

1- Specify the imagery and iconography that form your visual style.

2- Use logo guidelines to create the brand signature.

3- Finalize your topography hierarchy.

4- Include your brand’s core color

Importance of Brand Asset Management:(B.A.M)

Brand Asset management is very important for all businesses because a brand provides identity to the product and the brand increases sales so proper brand asset management is the central part of any business. Brand Asset management is very important for a successful business.

Recommended a youtube channel for videos regarding this blog articles: CLICK 

Recommended option if you want to organize your Brand Promotion Event.

Duckstairs Event Management and Recreational Organisation.

visit &contact through the channel.