brand funnel

Brand Funnel

Brand Funnel

A “brand funnel” is a marketing concept that outlines the stages a consumer goes through in building awareness, consideration, preference, and loyalty towards a brand. It’s a framework that helps marketers understand and track the consumer’s journey as they interact with a brand. Here are the typical stages of a brand funnel:


Objective: Introduce the brand to the target audience and create initial awareness.

Activities: Advertising, content marketing, social media campaigns, public relations, and other initiatives to make the brand known.


Objective: Capture the audience’s interest and encourage them to learn more about the brand.

Activities: Engaging content, storytelling, product demonstrations, and providing additional information about the brand’s values and offerings.


Objective: Convince the audience to consider the brand as a viable option.

Activities: Comparison tools, customer testimonials, in-depth product information, and addressing potential concerns or objections.


Objective: Position the brand as the preferred choice among competitors.

Activities: Emphasising unique selling propositions, building a positive brand image, and offering exclusive incentives.


Objective: Convert consideration into actual transactions or interactions with the brand.

Activities: Sales promotions, discounts, a seamless purchasing process, and creating a sense of urgency.

Post-Purchase Experience:

Objective: Ensure customer satisfaction and encourage loyalty.

Activities: Customer support, follow-up communication, collecting feedback, and providing additional value through loyalty programs or exclusive content.


Objective: Turn satisfied customers into brand advocates who actively promote the brand to others.

Activities: Referral programs, user-generated content campaigns, and encouraging customers to share positive experiences on social media.


Objective: Maintain and strengthen the relationship with existing customers to encourage repeat business.

Activities: Ongoing communication, personalised offers, and continuous efforts to exceed customer expectations.


Objective: Foster long-term loyalty and turn customers into brand ambassadors.

Activities: Exclusive access, special events, loyalty programs, and continued efforts to provide exceptional value and service.

By understanding and optimising each stage of the brand funnel, marketers can develop targeted strategies to move consumers from awareness to loyalty, ultimately building a strong and sustainable brand presence in the market. The brand funnel concept is dynamic, and marketers continually analyse data and consumer behaviour to refine their strategies at each stage.

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